Registration Form
Women's Recovery Workshop 2024
Early Bird Registration $145 August 30th Through September 27th
Registration $155 After September 28th Through October 18th
Scholarship Registration $77.50 August 30th Through October 18th
Full Name
Address: City, State, Zip
Phones Email
Can we email you for further notices and confirmation? Yes_____ No_____
Have you attended before? Yes_____ No_____
What 12 step program(s) have you attended before?
Your sober/clean date ____________________
Are you elderly and need a bottom bunk? Yes_______ No______
Bottom bunks are first come first serve, and must be requested. If you can take an upper bunk, please do.
If there's room, I'd l ike to share a cabin with:_______________________________________________________
Make checks payable to: Women's Recovery Workshop
Mail to:
Women's Recovery Workshop
C/O Chris Langford
575 Concord Road
Apartment 2101
Jefferson, GA 30549